Tag: art

The Fine Art of Faux Productivity: How to Look Busy When You’re Not

The Fine Art of Faux Productivity: How to Look Busy When You’re Not

Have a spreadsheet open on your computer screen for that extra touch of authenticity.

Understanding Mal de Coucou: An Insight into Social Displacement

Understanding Mal de Coucou: An Insight into Social Displacement

“Mal de Coucou” describes the dissonance felt when one doesn’t fit into social surroundings, seeking belonging.

The Introvert’s Guide to Awkward Social Situations

The Introvert’s Guide to Awkward Social Situations

Nothing says awkward, like unexpectedly running into an acquaintance.

What’s the Hawthorne Effect on Performance?

What’s the Hawthorne Effect on Performance?

The Hawthorne effect is the idea that being observed affects behavior, increasing productivity. It applies to self-improvement and collaboration.

The Procrastinator’s Guide to Mastering the Art of Doing Nothing

The Procrastinator’s Guide to Mastering the Art of Doing Nothing

The Procrastination Olympics: a humorous survival guide for embracing distraction and delay tactics, with tips on coffee and overthinking.

A Guide to Personal Space

A Guide to Personal Space

Here is your guide to your personal bubble and how to maintain it.

How to Balance Work and a Social Life

How to Balance Work and a Social Life

It’s a common misconception that introverts don’t have or want to have a social life.

Four Ways to Recharge Social Energy

Four Ways to Recharge Social Energy

Social energy is one of those things where you don’t know what you’ve got ‘til it’s gone.

Nostalgia and Coffee: A Powerful Combination

Nostalgia and Coffee: A Powerful Combination

“An Hour of Matthew McConaughey Watching Rain and Drinking Coffee.”

An Introvert’s Guide to Small Talk

An Introvert’s Guide to Small Talk

Your coworker in the elevator looks at you with a look that indicates they want to start an awkward round of small talk